
Welcome to 

Midlands Knowledge

and Care Skills

Join our vocational

Education and training in the

Midlands knowledge and Care Skills

to benefit your healthcare career!

Mandatory Training

(1 Day Course)


Equality and Diversity

Whistle – Blowing

Person Centred Care




Infection Control

Food Hygiene

Manual Handling

First Aid Basic Life Support

Communication Skills

Fire Safety Awareness

Health and Safety Risks and Hazards

Five Principles of Mental Capacity Act

Conflict Management and Complaint Handling

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults and Children

Care Certificate

(3 Days Course)


Care Certificate course covers the 15 different Care Certificate standards, this course is suited for new employees working in health and social care roles. This course will provide you with the fundamental skills that are needed in your health and social care job role, to provide quality and effective care.

Medication Awareness

(1 Day Course)


Common Causes of Medication

What is a Medicines?

Aims of Medication Administration

The Laws and Legislations

Classification of Medication


Medication Policies and Procedures

Level of Support

The 6 Rights’

Types of Medicines

Different of Medication

Side Effects of Medications

How Oral Medication Works

Hygiene Precautions

Covert Medication

Prescribing and Monitoring

Medication Administration Records (MAR CHART)

Recording Information

Storing of Medication

Safe Disposal of Medication

Expiry Dates

Errors and Near Misses